CLIENT NEWS Sacramento Marketing Firm Turns 18 … Blows Savings on Lottery Tickets. David Ligon, Creative Principal, Sacramento June 10, 2019 Yep, Ligon Media is 18 years young. We can now vote! As with any anniversary (or birthday, depending on how you want to view it), it’s a time to get sappy and say thank you to all of those who have helped us grow through the years. That means clients, friends, family, and colleagues. I can still remember my very first client pitch. I was at a nightclub and had just lost my job at the dot com company. It was Memorial Day weekend and I was chatting with Margaret Fortune, a friend who I sorta knew (I was very good friends with her boyfriend) and she was asking me the kinds of things I did (I had just decided to go out on my own, since I had lost my job on that Friday (the day before)). She was looking for an agency to help her with her nonprofit. And everything she asked me if I could do, I said yes to. I had come from a large advertising and public relations agency prior to joining the dot com, and even if I had never personally done it, I had seen it done and was confident I could do anything that was thrown my way. We agreed to meet the following week without the Vodka Collins. And a couple days later, prior to meeting with her, my phone rang and a colleague of mine (shout out to Nancy Mallory) called to tell me she had spoken to...
DIARY OF AN ADMAN MLK Celebration Dinner Remembrances David Ligon, Creative Principal, Sacramento January 19, 2019 One of my favorite projects I have ever worked on was for the Martin Luther King Celebration Dinner in Sacramento. With the help of local actors, and admirers of Dr. King, we created PSAs for the event for several years, Below was the last one we did in 2013. We also created an ad for the program for each of those years. In the top ad, we recreated MLK’s photo just using the word Dream. The second ad, we wanted to show that life is more fun when we all play together. And the bottom ad, before we re-branded as Ligon Media, we just had a simple message: Dream. On this MLK Day, we hope you all take the time to help make the world a better place. Contact Us If you like, share. If you don’t like, don’t share. And if you’re indifferent, then share or don’t share,...
LATEST NEWS Learn How To Do Your Own Restaurant PR The Easy Peasy Way David Ligon, Creative Principal, Sacramento October 11, 2018 I‘ve been away from this website for far too long, but I have a good excuse. I’ve been hunkered down at my computer writing, and in the studio recording a new public relations course targeted at restaraunts to help them garner the press coverage they covet. Sure, for best results they should hire Ligon Media, but not everyone has the money it takes to hire a top quality public relations firm. I’ve designed this course for them. I’m still in the content creation stage, as there is a ton of work that goes into creating a video series. For starters, it all has to be written. Then it has to be recorded. Then edited. Then a website has to be built. Then marketed. I’m beginning to understand why agencies charge premium dollars for their service. Creating quality content takes an enormous amount of work. But I digress. If you are a restaurant and you have a limited budget, but still want to see some public relations success, then I suggest you head over to and enter your email address to be notified when the course launches. It’ll be subscription based service. Look for more details as we get closer to launch date. Contact Us If you like, share. If you don’t like, don’t share. And if you’re indifferent, then share or don’t share,...
CLIENT NEWS Be Prepared, Be Very Prepared Prepper’s Compound Launches e-Commerce Solution for Hiking, Camping and Survival. David Ligon, Creative Principal, Sacramento September 29, 2017 With earthquakes shaking numerous countries around the world; with hurricanes and the devastation that follows hitting our southern shores; with angry little tyrants launching rockets over our allies; and with a seemingly endless supply of scary news from all reaches of civilization, the launch of Prepper’s Compound was timely. When they reached out to Ligon Media to help launch their new company and e-commerce website, we looked at the destruction around the world and decided to create a poop joke. Because let’s face it, poop jokes are always funny. And the rest of what’s happening … isn’t. With the many disasters happening all over the world, it seems like a good time to launch Prepper’s Compound’s new e-commerce website. Not just for survivalist gear, but also because they have great stuff for hiking and camping. Seems like the perfect time to get away from it all for a few days. Prepper’s Compound is a new e-commerce internet company located in Winters, California. Just a hop, skip and jump away from Sacramento (San Francisco too, if you jump the other direction). They sell products for the hiker, camper and survivalist. Ligon Media was tasked with building the company’s new website, but also lent a hand with logo development, business card design and signage creation. What really drew me to this company was the people running it — Christa and Jason Haefner. I’ve known Christa for a few years. In fact, she nearly got me killed when...
CLIENT NEWS Photos Page Redesigned David Ligon, Creative Principal, Sacramento April 27, 2017 Hey, when you get a chance, head over to our photos page and check out the new layout (more to the point, check out the individual pages - Models; Headshots; Behind the Scenes; Restaurant and Food; and Indoor & Outdoor). We’re quite proud of it. (well, not “my kid did something wonderful” proud, but more “pleased as punch” proud). Since both photography and website design are part of the creative services we offer, we thought it would be good to actually showcase both of these Ligon Media features in a more creative, eye-poppin’ way (don’t worry, no eyes have been put out with our new design … yet). If you’re looking for a new website, you know something that will get your customer’s attention, be sure to contact us. We’d love to talk to about how we can help. Contact Us If you like, share. If you don’t like, don’t share. And if you’re indifferent, then share or don’t share,...
DIARY OF AN ADMAN “Game of Thrones” Fan … I Am David Ligon, Creative Principal, Sacramento November 23, 2016 I admit it. I love Game of Thrones. Not just the HBO series, but the novels too. I’ve seen every show multiple times and read all the books (although I’ve only read them once … they are really long). I’m not a fantasy junkie, I’ve hardly read any other fantasy genre books or watched those types of TV shows. But there’s something about George R.R. Martin’s world that I find pleasing. The majesty, the intrigue, the drama, the humor, and the world he created out of nothing but a little medieval lore and history. He didn’t just create a phenomenon, he created a way of life for millions of people. Like J.K. Rowling, he has me dreaming that maybe someday I can create something that will inspire novelties and merchandise and board games. Give me a Game of Thrones gift, and I’m a happy man. (unless it’s something for Daenarys … she’s not my size). I’ve spent my life creating stuff. From advertising to news to videos to photos to films. And then there was the art classes I took in high school. They were easy A’s, because the teacher gave a lot of extra credit. (I couldn’t draw or paint worth a lick, but I could draw and paint a lot). “…maybe someday I can create something that will inspire novelties and merchandise and board games. ” But obviously I haven’t come up with the action figure idea … or even the t-shirt one. (wait, do shirts I create...