Learn How To Do Your Own Restaurant PR The Easy Peasy Way

Sacramento Ad & PR Guru David Ligon

David Ligon, Creative Principal, Sacramento

October 11, 2018

I‘ve been away from this website for far too long, but I have a good excuse. I’ve been hunkered down at my computer writing, and in the studio recording a new public relations course targeted at restaraunts to help them garner the press coverage they covet.  Sure, for best results they should hire Ligon Media, but not everyone has the money it takes to hire a top quality public relations firm. I’ve designed this course for them.

I’m still in the content creation stage, as there is a ton of work that goes into creating a video series. For starters, it all has to be written. Then it has to be recorded. Then edited. Then a website has to be built. Then marketed.  I’m beginning to understand why agencies charge premium dollars for their service. Creating quality content takes an enormous amount of work.

But I digress. If you are a restaurant and you have a limited budget, but still want to see some public relations success, then I suggest you head over to and enter your email address to be notified when the course launches.

It’ll be subscription based service. Look for more details as we get closer to launch date.

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