Photos Page Redesigned
Hey, when you get a chance, head over to our photos page and check out the new layout (more to the point, check out the individual pages - Models; Headshots; Behind the Scenes; Restaurant and Food; and Indoor & Outdoor). We’re quite proud of it. (well, not “my kid did something wonderful” proud, but more “pleased as punch” proud).
Since both photography and website design are part of the creative services we offer, we thought it would be good to actually showcase both of these Ligon Media features in a more creative, eye-poppin’ way (don’t worry, no eyes have been put out with our new design … yet).
If you’re looking for a new website, you know something that will get your customer’s attention, be sure to contact us. We’d love to talk to about how we can help.
If you like, share. If you don’t like, don’t share. And if you’re indifferent, then share or don’t share, whatever.