Just finished our company’s video reel and wanted to share it with you. As most of you know, along with public relations and advertising, Ligon Media has full video production capabilities. The fast paced reel showcases various projects and runs the gamut from humorous to emotional to informative. It runs a little over 3 minutes (and there is a clip at the very, very end which ties into the opening). Although one of our fortes is humor (The Sacramento Bee called David Ligon a “funny guy” a couple years back), we’re quite proud of the emotional impact our spots can also have. In fact, Ed Goldman, writer for the Sacramento Business Journal, called the PSA we produced for the Sacramento Hospice Consortium “one of the most heart-churning pieces … I’ve seen.”
You can find it on YouTube or simply by clicking on the graphic to the right (the one conveniently entitled “video reel”).